Latest Exposure Stories

Shoot an in-camera double exposure photo

Imagine an Aurora Borealis So Bright, It Overexposes Your Photos

You Can Do It: Using Long Exposure To Create Dreamy Water Photography

Japanese Astronaut Uses Custom Device To Create Light Painting Photos in Space

Freezing Time, Capturing Motion: Matthew Pillsbury’s Long Exposures of Tokyo Bustle

Photogrpapher Karl Taylor Explains How to Shoot Dancing Photos With Flash and Motion Blur

Introduction to slow shutter speed photography

Behind the Lens: Lucas Jackson on His Long Exposures of the Oklahoma Tornado Aftermath

Pro Tip: Switch To Manual Exposure When Shooting In The Snow

Watch This: Just How Much Does Light Pollution Affect Night Sky Photography?

The New Hoya Solas IRND Neutral Density Filters Cut Down On Exposure, Infrared Radiation

Matthew Pillsbury’s magical long exposures

Mastering the Five-Second Exposure

Discover the magic of long exposure photography