Welcome to the brand new Buying Guide, our complete database of every DSLR and lens worth your attention right now. Here you’ll find full specifications, our in-depth reviews, rock-solid lab tests, sample image galleries and more–all the information you need to plan your next gear purchase, all in one place. And that’s just the beginning.

We’ve launched our Buying Guide database with every camera and lens currently found in “The Guide” in the back of each issue of Popular Photography, as well as the latest cameras and lenses announced over the last few months. As we scrutinize this new gear in our lab, we’ll add links to our bulletproof tests, reviews, ratings and hands-on sample galleries, making the Buying Guide a single aggregation page for everything there is to know about a specific camera or lens. But we’re not stopping there: Soon you’ll be able to browse equally comprehensive listings of digital point-and-shoots, bags, tripods and other accessories–making the PopPhoto Buying Guide a truly one-stop shop for the gear you need now.

Once you’ve begun browsing a category (Cameras, Lenses, entry-level DSLRs, wide-angle lenses, etc), you can filter everything according the specifications available in the menus at left, focusing only on the features you need. To revise your choices, simply click the “X” next to the spec you’d like to drop. In this view, you can also choose up to three cameras or lenses for a feature-by-feature, side-by-side comparison.

Our ratings are based on a 1-10 scale with no decimal points–equivalent to the five stars (with half-stars) you’re familiar with in the magazine. All ratings are based on both real-world testing and our full laboratory shakedown. Prices are what you’d expect to pay at a competitive retailer today; look for a dynamic price-grabber coming soon.

So without further ado, we hope you enjoy taking our new Buying Guide database for a spin. Check back often for new additions and features! —The Editors