Galleries photo
Jeanette D. Moses

Although Photokina is primarily a place for camera companies to show off their newest tech innovations, Leica hasn’t forgotten that ultimately it’s the photographs that these cameras produce that should be celebrated.

Leica Gallery’s Masters of Photography exhibition, which opened today at Photokina in Cologne, does just that. The show brings together the work of 15 diverse photographers whall use a Leica as their camera of choice.

Fred Mortagne
Selections from Fred Mortagne’s (a.k.a French Fred) series Cruis’n Elements on view at Photokina 2016. Photo: Jeanette D. Moses

The exhibition features larger-than-life portraits from Bruce Gilden’s American Made series, selections from Alex Webb‘s archive, black and white work from skateboard photographer Fred Mortagne a.k.a French Fred, conceptual fashion work from Ellen von Unworthy, Patrick Bachmann’s long-term documentary project So long, China and Roger Ballen‘s Outland to name just a few.

Thomas Hoepker
Fujifilm Instax images shot on the new Leica Sofort by Thomas Hoepker. Photo: Jeanette D. Moses

There is also an entire wall dedicated to new Fujifilm Instax work shot with Leica’s Sofort.

Alex Webb
Selections from Alex Webb’s archive on view at Photokina 2016. Photo: Jeanette D. Moses

Overall the show features an impressive lineup that highlights and celebrates the images, and not just the technology, that these cameras can produce.

If you happen to be in Germany for Photokina give yourself a bit of time to peruse this exhibition.