Triggertrap dead
The Ada hardware never came to market. Triggertrap

If you’re a fan of the Triggertrap camera triggering system, today is a rather dark day, because the company has announced that it’s out of business and will no longer be able to support its apps or products. The announcement went out in an email and is posted here on Medium.

For those who are unfamiliar, Triggertrap made a variety of products meant to help “hack” the way a camera works. The Triggertrap mobile would sync a camera to a smartphone app, giving you all kinds of shutter triggering options, from long exposures and time-lapse settings to even more impressive things like sound triggering and facial recognition shooting.

The various camera triggering functions enabled some pretty cool photography opportunities. Triggertrap

The downfall can be traced back to a failed Kickstarter for a product called Triggertrap Ada. The product promised to be modular system that could be used for all kinds of wonderful photography shenanigans like sound triggering, motion sensing, and a whole toolbox full of other features. Unfortunately, the manufactured units ended up costing five times what the company expected and Triggertrap had to refund the remaining Kickstarter money without actually delivering a consumer product.

You can read the official announcement here, but this is a sad thing pretty much any way you look at it. If you have a Triggertrap device, it will still work as it does, and the app will continue to be available, but nothing will be updated. So, if an upcoming OS update breaks the app, users are out of luck.