“The Dino Cafe, Seaside Park, NJ, 2009” Photo: Michael Massiaia
In this photo by Michael Massaia, the ocean acted as a reflector. Sinar F2 8x10 camera with Rodenstock 240mm f/5.6 lens; exposure on Kodak T-Max 100, about 2 or 3 min at f/50 or f/62.
“Trenton and Madison, Treece, KS, 2010” Photo: Dina Kantor Just before the rain came, Dina Kantor photographed these children in their grand-mother’s backyard.Mamiya RZ67 with 65mm lens on Kodak Portra 160NC; exposure not recorded.
A Visiting priest, Ash Wednesday Photo: Erica McDonald For her project 40 Days, Erica McDonald stood outside a Brooklyn church and made quick portraits as her subjects left mass each day during the Lenten period. She shot with a Rollei Rolleiflex 2.8 FX on Kodak Tri-X 400 film pushed to 1600; exposure, about 1/60 sec at f/5.6.
Redwood Saw Photo: Richard Rothman Rapidly changing light meant that Richard Rothman had to think fast as he set up his Arca Swiss 4×5 with 90mm f/5.6 Schneider Super Angulon lens. Shot on Ilford HP5 Plus 400 rated at 200; about 1/8 sec at f/22.
The photographer’s sister Photo: Christaan Felber Felber shot this scene with both film and digital cameras; he often brings multiple cameras along on a shoot. For this version, he used a Canon AE-1 Program with 50mm f/1.8 Canon FD lens; exposure on Kodak Portra 400, 1/250 sec at f/2.8.
“The Dino Cafe, Seaside Park, NJ, 2009” Photo: Michael Massiaia In this photo by Michael Massaia, the ocean acted as a reflector. Sinar F2 8×10 camera with Rodenstock 240mm f/5.6 lens; exposure on Kodak T-Max 100, about 2 or 3 min at f/50 or f/62.