Capture Interaction
Catching kids being kids with other kids almost guarantees good pictures. What you don't want, says Lewis, are kids focusing on your camera.
Photo: Winky Lewis.

Working in low Light

Lewis prefers natural light; when dim, this means large apertures and limited depth of field. She focuses on what’s closest to the camera, like her daugh-ter’s first homemade smoothies.
Photo: Winky Lewis

Childhood Milestones

While Lewis stresses shooting everyday childhood events, she also keeps an eye out for classic childhood moments, as when her daughter discovered makeup.
Photo: Winky Lewis

Graphics Count

“Even if my subject is a child’s body language or facial expression, I try to look for graphics like this hopscotch grid to add line or structure,” she says.
Photo: Winky Lewis

Group Plan

When she’s photographing groups, Lewis looks for one subject to act as a focal point. She also waits until the children share a common point of focus.
Photo: Winky Lewis

Emotional Range

“I try to capture the whole range of emotions, not just smiles,” notes Lewis. “Otherwise you end up with a one-dimensional portrait of a child.” Here, she catches her daughter mid-sulk.
Photo: Winky Lewis