

Up-close and personal: Gennaro took this photo of a Great White in open water, without a cage, off Guadeloupe Island. “The clarity is amazing, which makes the shot,” she says. It also makes for (yikes!) possible ambush attacks from behind. She shot it with a Nikon D100 in Light & Motion housing and used an exposure of 1/250 sec at f/2.8, ISO 200.


Open wide: Gennaro captured this tiger shark released by scientists after blood sampling back into the Great Barrier Reef. What’s in his mouth? Tongue parasites. Exposure on Nikon D200 with AF-S DX Nikkor 12-24mm f/4G Nikkor lens, 1/320 sec at f/11, ISO 320.


Shark rodeo: “We’d just put out 200 pounds of bait,” for this mix of sharks in the Great Barrier Reef. “We called it the ‘Shark Rodeo’ because the scientist was trying to lasso a shark to put in a transmitter for tracking.”


Playtime: “This was just for fun,” Gennaro says. “I asked the camera man to take it. I’m riding a Lemon Shark at Tiger Beach in the Bahamas.”


Jaws reality special: This great white off the coast of South Africa had just tried to grab bait from the boat, in vain.