How To: Color Correct for a Stronger Image
Take the chill out of a cold winter night

The interplay of the gold against blue in Sharon Gallentine’s shore scenic makes for striking contrast, but the Fix-It team thought the blues were too electric. The color is typical of shadows on snow, and is amplified early and late in the day.
The best way to fix color casts is to work in the RAW file, but the Manistee, MI, resident’s Fujifilm FinePix S5800 does not allow RAW capture. Luckily the JPEG had enough information to work with. In Adobe Photoshop CS5, we used Curves to pull down the blue channel. Then we cropped in, as well—this made the group on the ice more prominent. We didn’t crop so much that we lost the nice curve of the foreground grasses.
Time fixing: 10 minutes.
The shot was taken with the S5800’s 38–380mm equivalent f/3.5–3.7 lens at about 85mm; 1/100 sec at f/3.5, ISO 100.

Photo: Sharon Gallentine