MAY 2010: 1st Place

Prize Phillip Wise, 30, Wedding Photographer, Bend, OR “This shot was taken a few blocks from downtown Cannon Beach, OR. My wife and I go every year for about a week. This year we were staying on a part of the beach that was new to me, and I went out to watch the sunset, bringing my camera with me. It was a very windy and rainy night. There were an unusual number of birds around that week—mostly pelicans, but some seagulls, and they were all gathered on the beach. Just as the sun was setting, the clouds opened up, and I don’t know why, but the birds all took off at once. I crouched down to capture it, setting my camera to Matrix metering and underexposing a bit. Fortunately, the weather had kept everyone away, so I had a clear view. It was amazing to see.” ( Tech Specs: Nikon D700 with 17–35mm f/2.8 Nikkor lens. Exposure, 1/320 sec at f/2.8, ISO 100. Minor adjustments in adobe Camera raw and Photoshop.

MAY 2010: 2nd Place

Gempa Tri Muryono, 25, Student, Melbourne, Australia “I’m from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and while home on holiday I went to the local carnival for Sekaten, an annual festival. I wanted to accentuate the light and the colors, so I positioned myself under this air balloon ride and panned with the motion, using my SB-900 flash to keep the ‘7’ bright. It took many tries, but fortunately the operator didn’t charge much to keep running the ride!” Tech Specs: Nikon D700 with 14–24mm f/2.8 Nikkor AF-S lens; 1/2 sec at f/10, ISO 800. Minor adjustments, Adobe Photoshop CS4.

MAY 2010: 3rd Place

Ilya Malyshev, 29, Financial Consultant, Moscow, Russia “This railroad track is near my home in Moscow, and every time I’ve passed it I’ll look down, wondering how to capture the perfect geometry of its lines. One clear, fall night, around 1 a.m., I decided to give it a try. I went to a pedestrian bridge above the tracks and mounted my Mamiya camera on a tripod. Framing was tricky because I had to shoot through a fence, but I managed.” ( Tech Specs: Mamiya C330 with 80mm f/2.8 lens. Exposure, 30 sec at f/8 on Kodak T-Max 100.