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We learned this afternoon that MaryAnne Golon will be leaving her job as director of photography at Time magazine. I don’t know the full story– the official to Time’s staff from managing editor Rick Stengel, which was sent to me, is ambiguous. MaryAnne is a true talent and one of the strongest advocates of photojournalism in the media today. She has been with Time for many years, working for much of the time with former DOP Michele Stephenson. (The duo were listed at number 8 in the 2005 edition of American Photo’s “100 Most Important People in Photography.) My instinct is that this has something to do with the paucity of photography featured in Time these days. Just a few years ago the magazine was a photojournalistic bible; after 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, Time led the world in photographic coverage. Nothing like that is to be seen in the pages of the increasingly thin magazine these days. Continue reading for Stengel’s announcement